Monday, August 4, 2014

This week's obsession: the topknot

Summer weather means gorgeous weather. But it also means heat, and here in Cleveland that equals muggy heat! If you've got long hair like mine, the fewer days you spend letting your hair down means less time dealing with frizz. And that's why topknots are a life saver.

I could wear a topknot every day, especially as we head into the hottest weeks of summer. It takes little time, is still big on style and all you need is an elastic, bobby pins and a few practice rounds. (Added bonus: if you want to skip a wash -- or two -- just use a little dry shampoo and topknot to your heart's content!)

Click here for a variety of great topknot tutorials on Pinterest. Good luck and stay chic (and cool!). 

Three twists on a classic topknot. (Marie Claire)